Enoki Mushrooms


These mushrooms have long stems and little caps. At first glance, they kind of look like bean sprouts, but they have way more flavor. They’re common in Asian cooking, and are available fresh and canned. Because they’re crisp, they hold up well in soups and go nicely in salads. 

Buy Enoki Mushrooms Online in DC

enoki mushrooms for sale in dc are mushroom that is notable for its job in Japanese food, where it is also known as Enokitake. Financially cultivated enoki is a long, flimsy white mushroom and is a famous element for soups, particularly in East Asian cooking, however can be utilized for servings of mixed greens and different dishes. Wikipedia

Logical name: Flammulina velutipes

Higher classification: Flammulina

Order: Grilled mushrooms

Rank: Species

Nourishment Realities

Enoki mushroom

% Day by day Value*

Complete Fat 0.3 g 0%

Soaked fat 0 g 0%

Polyunsaturated fat 0.1 g

Monounsaturated fat 0 g

Cholesterol 0 mg 0%

Sodium 3 mg 0%

Potassium 359 mg 10%

All out Carbohydrate 8 g 2%

Dietary fiber 2.7 g 10%

Sugar 0.2 g

Protein 2.7 g 5%

Nutrient C 0% Calcium 0%

Iron 6% Vitamin D 1%

Nutrient B-6 5% Cobalamin 0%

Magnesium 4%

Enoki Mushrooms for sale in DC

*Per penny Every day Esteems depend on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your day-by-day esteems might be higher or lower contingent upon your calorie needs.

Storage:  Agaricus bisporus will last more in your fridge than numerous different mushrooms, normally around seven days. It’s smarter to store them in a paper pack instead of plastic. They’ll last much more in the event that you require some investment to place them on paper!

Clean: Too much time in water risks making the mushroom soft, so perfect them with simply a fast wash or a clammy material. Ensure they’re dry prior to cooking so they are fresh up better.

Enoki mushrooms might look unusual at first sight, yet their crunchy surface and gentle taste make them remarkable and interesting to many.

Add to salads, sandwiches, or soups for a satisfyingly unpretentious, yet exquisite flavor.

Delicately cook and serve in soups or in sautés with vegetables and meat.

Where to buy  ENOKI MUSHROOM in DC

enoki mushrooms are normally vacuum-pressed, in bundles of around 7 ounces each, and they have a lovely long time span of usability when refrigerated. When new, the shading ought to be white, and the stems ought to be firm. Cut back around 1-inch of the roots, give them a speedy wash, and you are all set! When utilized in soups and hot pots, it’s a companion, yet when whitened (or steamed) and wearing a yummy sauce, it turns into a principal character!


Half Oz, 1 Ounce, 1/4 Pound, 1/2 Pound, 1 Pound


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